Alex Haley
Museum Monthly Board Meeting
2nd Tuesday of the month. 11:45 am
"This project is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Historical Commission."
The Alex Haley House Museum & Interpretive Center
An educational facility dedicated to the collection, reservation, interpretation, and exhibition of artifacts.
The Museum’s comprehensive collections represent the life and achievements of the renowned author Alex Haley. The museum promotes the understanding and appreciation of history by presenting a range of exhibitions, programs, and events for the community and the world.

We invite visitors from all over the world to come and enjoy the remarkable history our museum holds. Our modern Interpretive Center, built in 2009, has received several architectural awards including the 2010 AIA Tennessee Award of Merit in Architecture and the 2010 Award for Excellence in Masonry from the Masonry Institute of Tennessee.
Visitors will be able view a short documentary film, view our gallery, which includes a life-size replica of a slave ship, and tour the boyhood home of Alex Haley. Visitors will also be able to visit our gift shop where they can purchase copies of Alex Haley’s books and other souvenirs.
The Alex Haley Museum and Interpretive Center also hosts a variety of events for the community, including regular Genealogy sessions to assist community members is tracking their own family tree. For questions about upcoming events, or to schedule a tour, call the museum at (731) 738-2240, or email us at: alexhaleymuseum@bellsouth.net.

Alex Haley Interview With Marcia Alvar From The
University of Washington
Alex Haley, author of "Roots," offers perspective into the novel which became an enormously popular television miniseries.
In this interview from the University of Washington, Haley shares with Upon Reflection host Marcia Alvar how the book and television adaptation ignited public interest in genealogy. Haley also discusses the publishing process and African-American leaders Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Richard S. Griffin, Site Manager
Lawrence Brandon-Custodian
Board of Directors
Phyllis Barlow, Chairman
Dorothy Bond, Secretary
Beauton Mathews, Treasurer
Dr. Pam Sirmans, Genealogy